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Tactical clothing 5.11 from America at American prices

Have you been looking for a long time where to buy specialized clothes, shoes or accessories of the 5.11 brand in Ukraine? Stumble upon a meager assortment and tripled prices? Stop worrying, go to the 511tactical online store and choose what you need. Leave the rest of the work to OrderWorld, and after a couple of weeks, just get the order. Everything is simple! Read the details below.


No. 1 workwear brand in the US is popular with US intelligence agencies, law enforcement, and the military. The brand catalog contains:

  • men's and women's trousers, pants, shorts, leggings for special activities;
  • uniforms for various types of services, camouflage, khaki;
  • boots, sneakers, berets, footwear of a high level of protection and durability;
  • jackets, raincoats and other outerwear;
  • watches, belts, helmets, backpacks and bags.

The official website of 511tactical is visited by rescuers, firefighters, police and military. Not only representatives of these professions, but also fans of paintball, airsoft, laser tag games, as well as travelers, hunters, fishermen and climbers buy their overalls. The scope of goods from 5.11 covers a broad category of military: special-purpose items, equipment for training, trekking and service in the army or government agencies. The name of the trademark symbolizes the readiness to perform the most difficult, almost impossible tasks.

Why is it better to order the delivery of American goods to Ukraine

Brand 5.11 is popular not only in America, but all over the world. Including in Ukraine, there are amateurs who want to purchase original products. Domestic dealers deliberately inflate the price, being sure that there are no competitors and workarounds for ordering. Many potential buyers become frustrated when trying to find the product they are interested in on distributor websites and online sports stores. Ukrainians, ordering products from 5.11, face the following problems:

  • the assortment is represented by only a few items;
  • there are no sizes, styles, colors;
  • no news;
  • the cost is several times higher than the price on the official website;
  • often there are difficulties with payment (most often due to binding to an American card) and delivery.

Such a number of negative factors discourages the desire to buy something directly from a foreign manufacturer. But what if there are no analogues, and you only need a product from 5.11?


Solve the toughest challenges with delivery via Order World

Order World has established an algorithm for working and purchasing through online services of well-known companies from the USA and Europe. Now it's as easy to buy any desired product as it is on Rozetka. All you need is to go to the official website, select a position, copy the link to the product card and send it to us. The manager will send you the data for payment, and after 14-20 days you will already receive the long-awaited shoes, clothes or accessories from 5.11. Shipping through Order World is a way to save:

  1. Money - prices on the manufacturer's websites are always cheaper.
  2. Time - you do not spend hours, days and months verifying your identity (American sellers are suspicious of buyers from the CIS), trying to pay in hryvnia and communicating in another language.
  3. Nerve cells - you will stumble upon many obstacles when placing an order yourself.

We have done everything to make the purchase and delivery of goods from the USA as comfortable and reliable as possible for you!

Want to buy on 5.11 Tactical right now? Fill out the form!
