Track your order

Our advantages

The main advantage: the purchase of goods abroad on a turnkey basis. You send a link to the product - we do the rest.

It's convenient with us

  • Receive an estimate within 1 hour.
  • Buy a long-awaited product without leaving home.
  • Consult with us by phone and online chat.

It's profitable with us

We work WITHOUT hidden fees and extra charges. You do not need to pay a commission for paying from foreign cards and accounts, buying foreign currency, combining parcels, etc.

  • When you receive a calculation, you see the final amount.
  • Shipping cost is fixed.
  • No minimum order amount.

Reliable with us

  • We are responsible for shipping your item. If necessary, we will arrange a refund or replacement.
  • We guarantee a refund if the goods of inadequate quality arrive.

You are always up to date

  • Use qualified assistance when choosing products.
  • Receive letters with interesting promotions that we find especially for you around the world.
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